Sep 12, 2017 at 03:24 pm

Update from Liv: 12 Sep

Update posted by Jenni Boyce

From what we are starting to gather, there are no rules when it comes to this evil infection.
Despite five full cycles of plasma transfusions, there was an increase in the infection count today and our little warrior, whilst fighting bravely and trying his very best, was just not quite himself - which is absolutely ok - he has all the love, support and patience from all of us to stay right by his side until he gathers the strength to give this virus another serious beating. Which we know he will.
One day, one visit at a time - we all holding on tight - as long as Ben the little warrior is fighting, so are all of us.
If your kid has a messy bedroom tonight- let it go and rather just tell them one extra time how much you love and are proud of them xxxxxxxxx

Please continue to keep Ben and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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