Dec 05, 2017 at 05:17 pm

Waiting for an Operation Date

Update posted by Romel Villaruel

We are actually waiting for the 5th operation date. Supposedly, the op was for September but due to the long queue he was bumped off for October. However, he had blood infection because of his IJ cathether and the operation was again delayed by 2 weeks. Due to the recent ASEAN and a doctors' conference, the op date was again moved. Then our donor had a bout of sickness as well due to the changing weather, resulting to another delay. Finally, we got admitted last Nov. 23! However, the IJ cathether was again causing him infection so it has to be removed and replaced by another one. He was put on antibiotics and hopefully will be cleared by the doctors soon. We'll let you know how it goes. Pray for us please so that we can truly celebrate Christmas.

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