Sep 06, 2017 at 02:42 pm

KT Operation Update

Update posted by Romel Villaruel

Good Day FRIENDS. I hope everyone is in great shape. I wanna provide wonderful updates. As of 3rd Week of August, my Sister & I were able to finish the Medical Workup which is prerequisite to Operation. I am happy to announce that just last week we passes the medical requirements as per our nephrologist & with that, we can proceed to Kidney Transplant Operation. The medical procedure itself is so meticulous & very challenging that's why we felt so relieved & thankful from the simple fact that we finished this obstacle & that we are more graciously thankful of the outcome of this workup We are positive that we will overcome this arduous procedure because we believe in the system of medicine & we know that our SAVIOR is always on our side. I am very thankful I have a strong Support System which made my transition from undergoing dialysis to completing the medical procedure swift given the complexity of the situation. Possible schedule for the operation will either be on the 3rd or 4th week of this month, if everything get approved. Well, I am very excited for the opportunity of living a normal life again & serve my family & most specially THE ALMIGHTY GOD. I will keep everyone posted once we receive the final word regarding the operation schedule. Right now we are anticipating the after operation expenses (e.g. anti-rejection meds, isolation period, etc) but I am positive that we can get through this because I know I have my family & friends who are always willing to extend their help & offer their prayers. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support. I will cherish this for the rest of my life. GOD BLESS & TAKE CARE ALWAYS.

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