Jun 02, 2017 at 06:02 pm

Update on Mamta and the twins

Update posted by Wendy Hanson

Last week one donor kindly donated money specifically for Mamta to have a much needed ultrasound and pre-birth check-up. On Tuesday of this week Mamta went to Jain Hospital (where she hopes to deliver the twins) to get these checks done. The picture above was taken during her visit. The great news is that the twins are completely healthy! Every test and measurement for both babies was found within the normal range. We are delighted at this news and very thankful. At the moment one twin is in breech position, but the doctor is hoping the baby will move into the correct position before the birth.

Mamta herself is doing OK with most of her observations and tests showing as normal, but at the moment her blood count is down and below the normal range in several indicators. The doctor has given advice to help remedy this low reading as a low blood count at the time of birth could cause complications. We are hoping that Mamta's stats in this area improve in the run-up to the birth.

The report below on Mamta's blood count was given by the hospital and we have uploaded it here with Mamta's permission (certain information has been blocked out for security reasons).

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