Sep 06, 2017 at 07:55 pm

Why this campaign is not focussing on the female perp that falsely accused Mark

Update posted by Barnett Survivors Limited

It has been asked why this campaign is not directed solely at the woman who made the false accusation against Mark.

The first thing to say is she *will* be dealt with in due course.

She is just one perpetrator, however, and if the campaign only focussed on her, this will not actually change anything and what happened to Mark could happen to another man courtesy of another female perpetrator.

We are attempting to change how the police and CPS consider allegations of rape and serious sexual assault, to move them away from guilty until proven innocent when a man is accused by a woman, and to definitively establish perverting the course of justice on the CPS side (there is partial and significant evidence for this presently).

So once the CPS are dealt with, we will be moving onto Mark's accuser.

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