Apr 07, 2017 at 10:41 am

Off to see the...doctors!

Update posted by Yum Denate

Today, I left the house. Haha. I finally got to see other parts of the city. Unfortunately, it's just to go to the clinics to have my check up. The doctors were quire happy with my status now. I guess I'm getting better? Although I'm still bloated like a whale. I still had to use a wheelchair to move around but it's okay.

My medicines though did not change. Only the medicines scheduled before meals were removed from the list and the rest stays the same... so that means still 10 in the morning and around 10 in the evening. Ewww.

After the checkups, we went to buy the medicines. Thanks to my angels, we were able to buy what was needed. Sigh. I finally saw the reality.

Next stop for my doctors would be to visit my optha and surgeon. That's a story for another day.

Home now. Resting. :)

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