Jul 30, 2017 at 05:43 pm

NEGATIVE TOXICOLOGY + Mentally Competent to Stand Trial

Update posted by Michelle Godfrey

Hello Friends,

I have scanned the toxicology report from the hospital that shows Richard was not on any drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident.

The original DUI charges were dropped shortly before his arraignment back in December. However the police report states that Richard was given Haldol, a dangerous antipsychotic without his knowledge. The police report logs Richard's allergic reaction as him seeming mentally ill: he was still unable to communicate, he wasn't making much sense to the officers who didn't know him, he was shaking in agitation and pain and tried to convey that his chest hurting, which led to the question of his mental competency. The police report is painful to read, as officers who don't know Richard painted him to be someone he is not and has never been. I hope their testimony going forward will humanize Richard now that they know he was not under the influence.

I have lived with and beside Richard for over 2 years, I run a home business with him and I am around him most of every day, I also accompany him on his work as a network technician. I see his habits and behavior, the good days and the bad days, he keeps very busy and shows kindness and patience to all he meets. Richard is not mentally ill nor does he wish harm on anyone or himself. The idea that Richard is or was mentally ill opposes the physical reality of his work, not to mention the mental agility and focus required for the many duties in his technical work.

Not only does he make soap and skincare products by hand (a very delicate chemical process), he also runs cable, troubleshoots machinery, and ensures that your favorite San Diego stores and businesses can run properly. Richard is a very disciplined, loving, and thoughtful person who has worked harder than anyone I've ever met. It is ironic to me that of all people this could happen to, it's someone who doesn't deserve it in the slightest.

Richard's unique past was conveyed to the court appointed psychologist who deemed Richard "Mentally Competent" back in April. Since then we have moved facilities to another location, and Richard has a hernia from overworking trying to catch up. We are both extremely exhausted from other life circumstances and emotional upheaval. We are now approaching the Preliminary hearing on August 16, 2017 and we don't have a criminal attorney.

The damage done to Richard's health from the forced drugging cannot be undone. He is still not himself and he doesn't wish to share the details of the side effects from this brain and prostate trauma as they are very personal and upsetting. With time I have hope that Richard will be back to himself, my main concern is avoiding jail time as a result of improper construction that led to this accident.

Many fatal NON-DUI car crashes have occurred while driving in this location, this accident was not due to Richard being negligent or a bad driver, much less being under the influence. Check out these recent articles: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-wrong-way...





We can only hope that the result of this trial will end with the logical understanding that Richard should not suffer needlessly for a death he did not intend to cause. The real issue is not only the nonrespondent CHP officers, but also the road being under construction without proper signage at the time. Since the accident, the area is completely different, it has been reconstructed to prevent this from happening again. The only evidence that the prosecution will be offering is witness statements, because the crash cannot be reconstructed due to the changes.

I hope and pray with all my heart that Richard will be able to continue to heal and care for his family and business without jail time. His work has a physical impact in his community as well as online, he has much to accomplish with others in mind and I will continue to stand by him regardless of the outcome.

I am asking for your help with a lawyer rather than depending on his Public Defender. Any donations or shares are much appreciated. Thank you for your support during this truly difficult time.

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