Jan 22, 2017 at 08:09 am

Additional challenge

Update posted by Jessie James Gamis


Before dad was hospitalized and my mom had a stroke, we wanted uncle to be checke-up and diagnose because he had been complaining that he is in pain. When my dad was confined, mom told him that he'll be next to be check-up, unfortunately my mom had a hemorrhagic stroke.

My uncle, my mother's last living brother, has been helping her with many things. His name is Ernesto Morgia, living with her wife who is also a hemorrhagic stroke survivor and she is also paralysed and can't be by herself. He has no child of his own but has a step-daughter to his wife. He is a big help with lot of things, but last week he felt severe pain, and two (2) days ago he went to the hospital and was advised to undergo ultra sound and most probably will have an operation for hernia. He was scheduled for ultra sound yesterday but due to the weather he will be going to the hospital tomorrow and for second opinion.

December 31, 2016 - he is the one in the photo, my uncle, mom's last living brother, Ernesto Morgia.

I'm planning to take care of my mom, dad and my uncle's wife until he recovers from the operation. He is a great help to my mom, to our family and to our relatives.

I used the word challenge and not crisis, because I believe to see the positive in the situation, that it was given to us and we can overcome it not with just our own but with your support.

January 22, 2017 - Feeding my Mom thru her NGT with prepared blended food.

Thank you so much!
Maraming Maraming Salamat!

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