Jan 16, 2017 at 03:20 pm

Update on Diagnoses, Treatment Options, and an Ask

Update posted by Schalk Neethling

Armand and his family has spent today at two separate doctors to look over the detailed results, what lies ahead, and treatment options. The news is not good.

The Haematologist has given Armand four months to live if he receives no treatment. That is the raw and honest truth. There are options though.

The initial idea was to fight the cancer using alternative methods which include dietary changes, ensuring PH levels in the body is above 7.5, and using "Rick Simpson" oil. Because the main active ingredient in the oil is not legal in South Africa yet, it is hard to ensure the quality of the product one purchased. Over and above this though, both doctors were clear that, while cannabis can be effective, the form of Armand's cancer is to aggressive, and the oil will simply take to long to work.

Hodgkins reacts very well, especially in patients as young as Armand, to chemo but, Armand is not a good candidate for the standard form of chemo therapy, and the treatment will result in irreparable damage to his hart, as well as the well known side effect of destroying his immune system, exposing him to an array of secondary infections that will need to be treated over and above the cancer itself.

There is an alternate form of chemo therapy that does not have all the detrimental side effects of traditional chemo therapy, and targets the cancer cells directly but, it comes at a very high financial cost. Also, it's a cost which medical aids do not cover, as it is not recognised as a treatment method. The doctor, as well as Armand and his family are very positive of the efficacy of this treatment but, they are going to need help.

The treatment starts with an intensive 1 month treatment in an attempt to halt the cancer in it's tracks, followed by months of less aggressive treatments until the cancer is in remission. The cost breakdown for this is as follows:

  • 1st Month - $7,400 (R100,000) which is roughly $1,900 per week.
  • Each month thereafter - $1,900 a month

This is a substantial amount of money but, the only real hope Armand has to survive this terrible disease. There is also the obvious sense of urgency based on the timeline I mentioned above. Armand and his family is in the process of trying to sell as many of their belongings as they can, in an attempt to get the money to start the treatment as soon as possible.

We are therefore reaching out to everyone, everywhere. If you can give anything, absolutely anything please do. Also, please share this campaign with your friends, family and any other means. The more people we can reach the better our chances of raising the money he so desperately needs.

Thank you from the depths of all our hearts.

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