Jan 02, 2017 at 06:24 pm

Update on the campaign

Update posted by Petra Staudacher

Maybe I should tell you that I have applied for at least 200 jobs during my stay in Scotland, but due to one of the first entries potential employers read will be my birth date - 1963 - the chances of finding a job are rather slim. I might feel like 40, act like 35, be fit like 30 - none of this is being asked in a job application.

My relatives and friends are either deceased or seem to be untrackable - tried a lot to find them, too; to no avail. Is it really that silly or ignorant to ask for helping hands and get out of this limbo I'm in ?

If I could start my own website and advertise my service; buy a scanner/printer and a second-hand PC - plus to find a place to live from which to scramble up - I'd be set and in business within half a year. Whatever donated money was exceeding the asked amount I will donate on; suggestions to where the surplus money should go are very welcome; and I will publicly talk - tweet, write, blog - about it to let you know that I keep my word.

But help I do need, to start.

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