Jan 07, 2017 at 07:02 pm

THANK YOU and THANK YOU again!!!

Update posted by Valda Walsh

As we mentioned before, we cannot give details about the timing of the operation – esp. social media This is to protect the privacy of the donor and family. Hope everyone understands that part.

The 10 days post-op were pretty rough at times. I couldn’t eat solids, and hardly drank. I want to tell people about these gory parts because it is very much part of the process, and this initial post-op period is most critical. The operation itself was the easy part for me.

I had ½ dozen tubes plugged into me to drain fluids, IV, urinary catheter, etc..So I couldn’t move without assistance. I was introduced to a whole new set of medications which were tough to take given the amounts and impacts overall on how I felt. (stomach pain, dizziness, etc..). The big new ones are the pain meds and anti-rejection drugs. Then there are a bunch of others to treat the side effects of those. One of the toughest ones was being treated for a lung infection I picked up during the operation. That nvolved inhaling a gas for 2 hrs. 3 times per day, for 6 days. As of Friday last week, I couldn’t walk 15 ft. even with assistance without feeling like I was about to collapse.

But once the gas treatments were finished, it seemed to allow the healing process begin and I started doing much better. Day by day, things were getting a little better one step at a time. Started eating small amounts of solid food, walking (with assistance) a bit more each day, getting adjusted to the new meds., etc…By Weds., I was off O2 support completely!! J And even better news, I was discharged as of yesterday (Friday, Jan. 6th).

So I’m back at the flat we’re renting and getting re-adjusted. Things are not all rosey just yet though. There’s still a lot of healing to happen. Both he incision across the chest (from under one arm to the other), and the long incision in my left leg that runs from my ankle all the way up to the inside of my groin where they took the arteries for the triple bypass part. My left leg is quite swollen but they say this is quite normal post-bypass op. I’m supposed to get the staples out within a week or so – and should expect both the leg and the main incision to heal over the next few weeks.

So for now, I’m told to still keep low and not exert myself too much. This week I meet with the coordinator who’ll set me up on the physio-rehab program and other clinics that I need to attend each week. The whole thing is actually a full-time job – but I now have a bit more time to chill out and absorb the experience a bit more…..

So that’s about it for now. When it comes to thanking people for you support – I honestly really do not know what to say. I’m choked. And don’t mind me saying, this grown man leaks a bit when I think about the amount of support everyone has been putting under me this whole time. I’m completely blown away by some of the names I see – some I haven’t seen since my early childhood days. As well as strangers and many people I’ve met only recently. I may have mentioned this before, but it feels like I’m not really doing anything other than laying back and letting all this support carry me through it. I cannot over-state how important it has all been, and truly, truly appreciate it! It is more than a gift!|

Much Love! Brian

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