Dec 18, 2016 at 01:25 pm

Last day! We're not there yet!

Update posted by Grytsje Kramer

Today is the LAST DAY of the crowdfunding! Last week, on a very nice happy-shoes day, a total of 130 pairs of shoes was distributed. Renata Papakosta said, "Under heavy rain we did it or better they (the refugees) did it, without lines and army tactics and panic. It was wonderful. Everybody cooperating even if they knew they wouldn't take shoes today because there were others in bigger need. Wonderful. Autonomy and auto-organization from the deep shit."

Lovely people, can you please help to chip in, this last day? To make it possible, that those refugees that helped, coordinated and wanted all the other ones to be given shoes first, like Naveed, Majid and Waqas, also will get warmth by shoes, before Christmas?

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