Nov 28, 2016 at 08:44 am

Good stats!

Update posted by Joanne Sendon Palad

Sky was just weaned from her high flow oxygen today!

Our prayer is that soon she'll be completely weaned from her low-flow oxygen, and that she will fully tolerate her feeding, so that she can finally go home with us!

To know if she's ready for weaning, the doctor will try to decrease her oxygen saturation and see how low her heart and lungs can tolerate. Because of her condition, Sky's acceptable oxygen level is at 60s to 80s, the normal value of a healthy heart being at 100. But there are moments when her stats would look great and you have to take pictures to somehow make that moment last like in the photo below.

Admittedly, most of the time we find ourselves unable to react to new issues arising from Sky's health and her accumulating medical expenses. It's like we were numbed by the roller coaster of emotions and challenges we faced for the past weeks. But we constantly find a reassuring hope within our hearts and a reason to rejoice knowing that through His love and grace, Sky will soon go home and her hospital bills settled, we may not know how yet.

#TouchtheSkystories #TouchtheSkytestimonies #helpbringbabyskyhome#NicuDay26

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