Nov 04, 2016 at 06:22 pm

Haggis Is kind of awake!!! :-)

Update posted by Jen Crook

Wow, thank you so much so far everyone, Haggis and I are definitely feeling the love and awesomeness of amazing people right now!

I went in to see her today for the first time in three days and I almost couldn't believe it (I couldn't see her before as it could detract from the sedatives if she got over simulated). It was incredibly emotional seeing her USING HER EYES to look around the room and once she realised it was me she definitely got very psyched and did her best to lift her head to lick my face! Aaawwwww! I also got to feed her a bit of food!!

Her body is still pretty limp but she is also completely exhausted, so we have to wait until she is more awake and rested to be able to assess any damage properly. More updates to follow! Thank you again everyone!!

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