Oct 16, 2016 at 01:53 am

Y'all are AWESOME... the Spoon is feelin' your LOVE!

Update posted by Whitney Hines

An update from Jesse + Whitney:

It's so hard to believe that a week ago today we were open for business and heading home early to hunker down for Hurricane Matthew... only a few hours after going to sleep we woke up at 3:30am to a photo and text from our good friends at Seagreen Gallery telling us their downstairs was underwater from all of the rain. Shoot... "is the Surfin' Spoon flooded, you think?" Though we hoped it wasn't true since our building hadn't flooded since 1962, a kayak trip down the Beach Road on that windy Sunday morning proved to be more than we could imagine.

Pushing our way into the Spoon through the back door was surreal as we saw 1.5 feet of water filling our beloved little shop. Freezers, trash cans, cups, spoons, toppings, tee shirts and pumpkins floating around was overwhelming to say the least. The water wasn't receding yet, and waves continued to break through the building as cars drove by. Where were we to begin? What were we supposed to do? This is our livelihood. It was overwhelming and emotional. We couldn't do anything at this point except go home, cry a little, give thanks for our safety and all the ways we were spared, and wait for the water to go down.

With the help of some brave and devoted friends we pulled together and tried to form a plan. The next day we loaded our trucks up with a kayak, a metal boat, our waders, and prayed for strength. As we sloshed through the water, we filled trash bags and buckets with all of the wet merchandise and put it in the metal boat. We gathered all the sopping wet and ruined supplies, tools, food, and trash and got it out to the dumpster. Many friends from their businesses down the road stopped by to help and offer some encouragement. It was a hard day, but a beautiful day all at the same time because "love never fails".

It's been 7 days since the flood... every day the Spoon dries out a little more and more. The wet walls and insulation have been cut out, heaters and dehumidifiers strategically placed, all the dishes washed and stored, the merchandise has been lovingly cleaned by several people and sits in containers in our home, the parking lot has been swept, picnic tables wiped and painted, and so much more... what would we do without you all? We are so beyond blessed we don't even have words to express our gratitude, nor any way to say "thank you" enough.

It feels like hundreds of people have stopped by to help, to bring supplies and equipment, to bring food, to pray, to give us hugs, and now this fundraising site to help us get back open and on our feet again; it's hard to accept help, we almost feel guilty. Hundreds of people have sent us the kindest, most loving messages... our hearts are so full. We have so much to be thankful for, so many reasons to know that Lord has us in His hand. We pray that we are able to return the generosity and love that has been shown to us.

We cannot wait to be open again and see all of you wonderful people. We are so excited to be able to help others in need through the gifts you have given. Let's keep praying for our community, our state, our country, Haiti, and beyond. We THANK YOU, and we LOVE YOU!

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