Oct 13, 2017 at 12:31 pm

On hold

Update posted by Sarah Bradbury

As some of you may know on the 18th last month my dog was taken poorly so I put everything to do with this on hold (thank you to those of you who have been kind enough to message me to see how she is doing; it means the world to me - it is still on hold for she is still undergoing treatment. Any money raised via here so far for the trip has been placed into a holding account - no matter how big the bill continue to rise with my dog's vet charges, the money donated on here was for a trip and will not be used for anything but a trip. In the meantime you are still welcome to make donations (once my dog is sorted I will still be doing all I can to get myself stateside) or if you would rather help with the vet bills (which are running deeply into the thousands, and my insurance are being arses about paying out) then I have set up a page for help with that too,

Clicking Here should take you to the page where you could help.

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