Aug 16, 2018 at 10:24 pm

2018: A Time of Rethinking

Update posted by Monte Pescador

So 2017 left with only $201 donated, nearly half of which was my own, I have to admit, so I'm back with lowering the goal even further, whittling it down to half of a used pickup to replace the one that is failing to keep up with all that DNN has done after spending this year off from doing community garden work due to a bad knee. Half of a decent, crew cab, used truck is around $12,500. If we can pull that off, we can at least pull off financing. After that... well, that depends on you as well.

In the meantime, we are also looking at other alternatives such as adding a counseling subsidiary to offer sliding scale and pro bono counseling and other mental health services to those in need. This is not a small task. We will need to also be able to collect on insurance and take other donations to keep such an effort going, yet if done right, this could be another lead in to getting DNN finally up and running the way God intended.

Now the ball is back in your court.

Please SHARE this campaign with others, PRAY that we get the job done, and DONATE if you can, even if a single $1 at a time in passing. WE NEED YOU to help get this campaign moving forward. Not sharing means not caring. That's the real bottom line.

According to social media experts, sharing three times a day gets hits, whereas anything less gets nothing. I cannot do it alone. 3 shares a day for a month is what led us to $201, with only a share otherwise here and there by two others. Can you share this campaign like it means something to you?

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