Oct 31, 2016 at 12:35 am

Update for the past week... "being 'fireproof' doesn't mean fire won't come"

Update posted by Jewel Kamille Claravall

Last week, Daryl had another sale. I'm so happy that we'll be able to add more funds to our dream wedding and to our future home.

We've already planned to allot his first commission cheque for the catering on our wedding, and the second one to for the first thing we need at home (bed, stove and pan, and a refrigerator since we'll be having vegetables delivered to our home weekly as a support to our local farmers).

Things are getting done one by one. We've also planned to book the caterer this week. I loved this caterer's proposal because they got the exact menu and design that we'd like to have on our wedding, plus, they're offering an insanely low price for a complete service.

I was the one who picked up Daryl's cheque in his office since he's doing an out of town sales call. I was so excited since finally, we'll be able to book the caterer. However, when I got the cheque, it wasn't what we've expected.

The commission amount we're expecting was exactly the same amount that the caterer is requiring for the down payment. However, when I saw the cheque, it was less than half of what we've expected. We don't know how it's computed, what's the policy, and how did the amount ended like that.

It was like a bucket of iced water was poured on me. I had to go out of his office right away since I had to cry.

The caterer gave us a very low price but we have to book them early to take advantage of the low price. I had to cancel my meeting with them since I don't have enough fund for the down payment.

It was the first time that I felt the stress of wedding preparations since this is one of the important aspects of the wedding.

I had to call my friends to vent out. But what's amazing was, we can really feel how our friends are willing to move mountains for us. I have 1 week more to get the caterer and they are helping us find ways to raise the fund that we need.

Since the start of our preparation, everything is on our favor. But now, a challenge came in. We acknowledge that believing that God is working doesn't mean He'll work the way we want Him to. He has His own ways. He may be sending people to bless us, but He's also sending challenges to mold us.

Yes, I haven's slept properly these past few nights since I'm thinking of how we'll be able to pull this through. But I'm also spending those sleepless nights praying for everything to fall into place as God wants them to. We're still in faith, we're still holding on to God's promises.

Anyway, we had another box on our checklist checked. One of our friends sponsored 10 giant balloons that we'll place on our aisle since we're not using fresh flowers :)

Our friend who is a well-known video and photographer offered us an almost giveaway price for our wedding. The pastor we'd want to officiate our wedding already confirmed for our wedding date too :)

We are, above all, super thankful about everything that's happening, even the challenges. We know this challenge is also a part of a bigger story, a testimony of how God will work amazingly.

Please continue to pray with us as our wedding date comes closer. Here's our prayer points for the week:

  • to complete the fund to book our caterer
  • for Daryl to close more deals and reach his sales quota
  • more strength as we go though our preparation which can be stressful

Thank you everyone for following our story :)

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