Nov 21, 2016 at 06:16 am

Slow Road to Recovery ... Sharie is out of the ICU

Update posted by Dhidhak Bandalan

I woke up at 4 am this morning receiving good news that Sharie is already out of the ICU and the doctors are slowly starting her with solid foods through the mouth Yipee!!! That's what we want right?

They are still monitoring her lungs anytime bacterial infection may flare up and put her again at risk so the doctors are keeping her for a while in the hospital and myself I would like that. It means she can be monitored and given the attention when she needs it.

Although I have to say the financial needs doesn't stop once, she's out of the hospital. She will still need to follow up with the doctors, continue her medications and hopefully by Christmas and eventually summer she will be better like any children should.

To those who extended their support in kind, prayers and in cash, I would like to thank you from the heart. I hope you will continue to join Sharie's family and me in this journey until it's time to close this chapter in her life.

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