Jul 16, 2016 at 02:17 pm

10 weeks since accident

Update posted by Rosemarie Machetto

The doctor has allowed Dustin to go without the back brace, he can start riding the indoor trainer but has to sit upright, and he can go for longer walks. The last few weeks the pain has been unbearable, we asked the doctor and he said if its persists maybe he will just go ahead with the operation. He prescribed a pain patch which seemed to help but then it was too strong making him feel as if he had overdosed .. It has taken about 36hrs for the effects of the patch to work out of the system. As the days go by there are certain parts of his body, just above the coccyx, his shoulder, his ankle & leg especially behind his knee, that seems to have deteriorated since being hit by the vehicle. Apparently just above the coccyx was point of impact and the one side of the spine has been narrowed from the fall and that is causing numbness behind his knee. His legs and feet are constantly blue the circulation seems effected. He goes for xrays & to see the doctor next week, then we will hear how the spine fracture of the T12 is healing. Please keep up with all your prayers and love. Thank you everyone.

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