Sep 04, 2016 at 06:09 am

US$4,068 raised! Check out the photos of Leony and Eva enjoying their meal!

Update posted by Kartini Pouchous

Hello again!

Since its launch two months ago, I’m pleased to report that the campaign for rescued Sumatran tigers Leony and Eva has raised a total of US$4,068, thanks to the support of additional donors! One behalf of ASTI, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you!

Thanks to your great generosity, ASTI is able to continue feeding Leony and Eva with nutritious meals. ASTI provides them with as much variety of meat as possible, including chicken, beef and goat. With this diet, both tigers have remained healthy, and for a long time they have not needed any medical treatments. In the future, as they progress with their rehabilitation, Leony and Eva will need to be fed wild pig and deer so that they lose their taste for farm animals.

Eva eating carcass

Leony eating carcass

(Photo credit: ASTI)

While ASTI works on keeping the tigers healthy, I’m pleased to report that ASTI is also making good progress (despite the rain that hasn’t stopped!) with the construction of a new enclosure for the first steps towards tiger rehabilitation. This enclosure is being built with separate funding support received earlier this year from a number of different donors. The rehabilitation enclosure will measure approximately 9m x 5m, and will be equipped with a small paddock, trees, a pond, raised area for jumping and a platform for resting. At one end there will be a holding cage for feeding and medical examinations/treatments, and another resting platform. The photos below show the construction steps completed so far, from digging the foundations to starting the brick work and building the holding cage/examination room. The metal work and welding for the fencing and roof of the outdoor paddock is now underway. When the new enclosure is ready, Leony will be the first tiger to move into it for more focused rehabilitation that will consist of more exercise, greater distance from people, more natural enclosure enrichment and gradual introduction of wild meats.

This is all that I can report for now. Again, BIG, BIG thanks to all of you, and please do continue to spread the word to your family, friends, colleagues…or even to your dentist or ‘cream bath’ therapist (Indonesians or those living in Indonesia will know what I refer to :))! Hopefully, with additional support, this campaign can reach half of its target by next month, and Leony and Eva can continue to progress with their rehabilitation as well-fed and healthy tigers!

(Photo Credit: ASTI)

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