Apr 29, 2016 at 04:00 pm

One Week Update

Update posted by L Larssonova

The Donsies has been home a week!!!

Little sister Lentil gives Dono lots of love and cuddles

We've officially finished all the prescribed medication, now it's on to probiotics. We noticed Dono's mood has been a bit off since Wednesday, but we figured it was due to him having finished the first of his prescriptions on Tuesday. He's still not 100% so we decided to call our vet to have a quick "just in case" chat. The vet confirmed that it was likely due to the medication (or lack thereof, really), as we had thought, which was definitely a relief.

Despite him being a little low, Dono is doing well overall - eating, drinking, pooping... The usual! :) So we're just keeping a bit of an extra watchful eye on him and hoping he feels better soon.

Dono and Family wish you all a happy, happy Friday! :D

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