Apr 24, 2016 at 03:08 pm


Update posted by Joyce Peñaloza

Hello! it's been 2 weeks since the neonatologists ordered stop feeding of breastmilk to Scarlett, until now she's still under observation as they suspect its really Hircshsprungs Disease. she was scheduled to have the barium enema test yesterday, however it was cancelled as her tummy became distended. she was given another anti biotic to treat the infection. all tests will be done again on the 28th. Praying that she doesnt need to undergo any surgery.

For Francesca, so far she's doing fine, she just need to reach and maintain the desired weight which is 2kg, hopefully she can be discharged next week.

Please continue to pray for our babies as well as to continue to repost this as we are still seeking for your assistance. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

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