Feb 22, 2016 at 11:25 pm

About us

Update posted by Elvira Rakova

We are all musicians , no matter listeners or singers ...in the opera, rock concert, jazz band or in our shower. Our favorite music gives us so many positive emotions...just remember the last classic concert you went, playing guitar with friends or crazy jumping on a hard rock festival. There are people that are not able to hear it, but they have a chance. The chance we can give!

Today we have started a campaign for a little girl Zere. She is 2 years old and lives in Kazakhstan. Zere has the atresia of both auditory meatus and needs an urgent surgery in USA. Her family is doing all the best to help the daughter, but there is still long way untill the moment when Zere will hear the world.
World of sounds has started a music flesh mob, where everybody can share their favorite songs or melodies or even perform! We just ask to thin
k about our idea for a second, not ignore it, feel ...how it is important to hear and support us and a have a little bit of fun and share with friends!!!

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