Dec 29, 2015 at 05:57 pm

Abducted by Hillbilly Aliens

Update posted by Mary King

The flowing story is UNTRUE for the most part; in fact there is just enough truth in it that you should be frightened of the Mental Health care in my State, Enjoy.

Please help; I’ve been abducted by Hillbilly Aliens, which recentlyy ate anti-gay pizza. I think, I’ve been pregnant with their many offspring for a year. Oh gods my water just broke and multi-color glitter, I think they are going to kill me if they see this, I really hope the pizza wears off soon.

You have no idea how my life is, I wake wondering if I’m going to be feed, or they going to give me water? When I’m really good I get to take a shower. I haven’t seen a Doctor in over a year, there is a free clinic in town, I walked all morning, to get there by 1 pm stood in line, cause I was told not to sit in the grass, my knees and ankles was so painful that day…. Three more people then I can be seen…… WHAT the Doctor is leaving he only works 2 hours ??? I tell the nurse I’m carrying offspring, I’m being raped daily by extraterrestrial aliens that make me listen to bluegrass, and wear Joe dirt wigs. She was nice and gave me the number to another clinic that may be able to help me.

Of course I sneak a call to this other clinic, set up an appointment. First I’m told the computers are down and it’s too much work to do my intake by hand. I went home saddened and hopeless. I was surprised when I got messages from their drug group therapist asking if I wanted to come back. That was September…. in Nov the therapist I’m giving, thinks I DO NEED to see their doctor and I’m giving an appointment in April. I hope I live that long, and I hope I have the money for the medication.

I’m not lazy, I’m ill , I’m not afraid of work, I simply so depressed that most days I don’t eat, or drink water, I may not even get out of the pallet I sleep on in the floor.

Oh no, the Hillbilly Aliens, are restringing their banjos, someone help me please.

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