Dec 26, 2015 at 05:36 pm

Take a look at the place I want to live.

Update posted by Mary King

No matter what, I need to move, I need my own place without room mates. I really haven't gone into details about how I ended here, or why all of my belonging are gone, it's really painful to talk about.

In June of 2015 I had a successful kickstarter and was able to buy new embroidery machine, sewing machine, work tables and supplies. I have been fighting this battle of recovery for awhile.

I was so shocking when Etsy rules had changed and small business was pushed aside for large manufactures. It left me out in the cold, and struggling to make ends meet. I'm really hoping by laying out what I make, and how much the cost of living is that I'm able to make ends meet and get on my own two feet again.

So here is the place I want to live, it's way back in the woods, no one is going to brother me, I can have my music as loud as I want.... as soon as I have speakers.

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