Oct 03, 2016 at 11:55 pm

Game jam on asthma, documentary, international conferences and recognition!

Update posted by Breathing Games

From August 5 to 7, we organized a game jam with Sainte-Justine university hospital, The Lung Association, Sensorica, and Concordia University. Read the summary and hear what participants learned during this two-days event dedicated to asthma.

A new Economy, a 85-minute documentary starring Breathing Games and six other initiatives was released in September.

In the last months, we also took part to different events incuding the ACFAS congress, the European Cystic Fibrosis Society conference, the World Social Forum, and the International Symposium on Open Collaboration. Our initative also became a signatory of the United Nations GlobalCompact, and a member of the Open Source Initiative. More about these on our timeline.

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