Nov 05, 2015 at 04:18 am


Update posted by Margarita Moore

The inventor, Margarita Moore Lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and had an idea for a retro style
phone that could be used as a cell phone and land line phone and have solar power capability
with all the latest in new technology features. Margarita contacted the Mars Rising Network
and had a provisional & design patent application filed and had the invention designed
properly so that she may see success with this great idea and turn it into a real product. She
is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a
A provisional & design patent application has been filed as of August 2015. The Patent
Search was performed by The Mars Rising Network and revealed nothing similar and that
a granted patent could be obtained because of the unique design and functionality of the
device as compared to other known devices.
The Domestic Market is very large to say the least. This product would sell in
approximately 150,000 retail stores in the USA and throughout the international market.
The retail price would be from $199.99 to $499.99. The wholesale amount would be from
$99.00 to $299.00 and the cost to manufacture would from $49.00 to $150.00. The costs are
an estimate of course ranging from USA or overseas manufacturing and distribution.

*** Need fund to get phone manufacture ***

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