Oct 24, 2015 at 12:18 pm

My first Parkrun... In the rain!

Update posted by CHANCE Animal Rescue

I overslept this morning. I was supposed to be going for a long run. I woke up at 8.10am, and I had to leave by 8.20am to meet my fellow wolf (Hannah, who's in my Wolfrun team), at 8.30am!

Having rushed out of bed, jumped into my running gear and sorted my dogs out I stepped into the cold morning air... and realised it was raining. Fun!

Whilst driving, and watching the rain hit the windscreen I wondered why the hell I had planned to do this. It's too cold, it's too early AND it's raining... my bed was sooooo warm - why, why, why? Then my phone buzzed, a Facebook notification from the Desperate Dogs page - oh yeah, that's why!

So... this morning myself, and my fellow wolf joined in on our first 5k Parkrun. Something I hadn't heard of before. It's basically a local network of 'race' runs, they have timers and everything, and is completely run by volunteers! Very impressive, and something I think I *should* make a habit of - well up until the Wolfrun, then we'll see!

We decided that we should do a long run as we haven't done one this week and we need to work on our stamina. So we ran from a point further away, to the start of the run, joined in on the run then ran back to our cars.

This is the longest run we've done and comes in at just under 10km. 6.04 miles is 9.720438km according to google, so just short of the 10k mark! Our pace was pretty consistent, and the best thing is that we actually managed it! Wahoo!!! This means that we should be able to do the distance, but... don't forget those obstacles!

The Wolfrun is, of course, an obstacle course. It's also a wild running course - this means offroad, NOT FLAT, full of mud to wade through (particularly for us non-runners who'll be at the back following the churned up path of those who've gone before us!) and trees to dodge, stumps to climb over - the works. The run we did this morning doesn't include any of the obstacles, it was very flat and very well paved!

But let's focus on the good things - we ran almost 10km and we survived. We just have to continue working on stamina, maybe a little on pace, and continue on with the body strength stuff so we can traverse the obstacles without killing ourselves! Another run tomorrow hopefully - a 7km run to a pub for lunch ;) - then on with circuits, boxing and crossfire next week... A busy week. But it will be worth it, I hope!

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