Jan 26, 2016 at 10:36 am


Update posted by Chantelle Buys

After visiting the doctor on the 12th of January, I was told that it

would be the best if I got my braces before my operation. The doctor
wants my teeth to be in line before a decision could be made. I was
told that when my teeth's in line, the doctor would be able to see if
both or only one of my jaws should be moved.

I'll have to have the braces on for two to three years. I have to
travel back and forth once every month from Victoria West to Cape town
with the Greyhound bus, as well as paying someone to fetch me from the
bus stop and drive me to the hospital and back again. From Victoria
West to Cape Town it takes seven hours via car or bus and back again.

My first appointment is on the second of March and the second
appointment is on the seventh of March. After that, I'll be traveling
to Cape Town once every month to get my braces checked.

Any help is welcomed and will mean so much to me.

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