Jun 23, 2014 at 08:23 am

First Summer Monday

Update posted by Mia Semuta

Good morning!  Things are trudging along here at Villa Mia.  Three big, specialty cakes added to the offline love total.  Thank you!  I also spent some time this weekend trying to convince Pony to let me make a gold paw print on a piece of paper so I could make some thank you notes to put in with the vinyl labels when I send them out.  He finally convinced me that I’d have a better chance getting his feline brothers to march in a parade.  The labels will go out in the mail this week with a nice picture of the Po on the thank you note.  J  Speaking of Pony’s feline brothers, I just scheduled Clay’s dental surgery for July 3.  The kitties are 11 and Clay has two teeth that need to come out.  L  Is there any objection out there in Pony Boy fan land to my using $300 of his donations for his brother?  I’m so appreciative of your support and never want anyone to feel as though I’ve misled them; please let me know and I’ll come up with a Plan B if I need to!  I hope this Monday morning finds you all well and the week ahead brings a pleasant surprise to your world.  Stay Gold, friends.  <3

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