Apr 01, 2014 at 07:05 pm

Getting better, one step at a time

Update posted by Barbara Sher
Hello, friends.
Well, I was worried at first about the complex computer system used at my new job, as I am not all that great at learning new systems, but I am happy to tell you that I found my supervisor to be a very nice man, really patient and kind.  He gave me some tutoring, and said he is more concerned with quality than speed.  So that's a relief!
My continuing car difficulties are being patched up as well as possible. It's drivable for now, and I will hope I can do more repairs down the line.   
I was glad to learn that I am allowed under my contract to have more than one employer at a time.  This means I can apply for a second job I am interested in with a gentleman I met in January at another agency or maybe another part-time one I heard about recently.
This has been a tough and tense time for me, so I confess I was prey to some panic.  But I have been working on conquering it by heading out to the woods to do serious emotional work - releasing my anger and tears. Barbara gave me some good advice about that! 
So, one thing at a time.  Not everything all at once!  
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