Apr 14, 2013 at 01:35 pm

Making it Through the Storm

Update posted by elanobrien

Since the last update, the biggest thing that has been happening for Adagio, has been a somewhat unbalanced bonding/attachment to my mare.  This can be understood by the fact that the people who trained him to Grand Prix level and owned him for 9 years simply disappeared out of his life.  The man (who was with the Spanish Riding School) I am told, died.  His wife who also was Adagio's owner, simply could not cope and abandoned Adagio, and the two other horses for a year in the barn.  His lifeline was the two other horses, neither who seemed to fare quite as badly as he, and both who got placed in homes before him.  After being let down by humanity, he lost both he equine companions.  Thus when he arrived at my property, my mare became his life-line....in an obsessive way....so much so that he was in flight or fight mode if he couldn't see her...even if she was just around the corner.  A couple of nights ago a huge storm came through.  As I am inclined to do, I was talking to both horses telepathically and telling them it would be ok, and that any tornado threat had passed.  The next day Adagio kept staring at me, and allowed a different level of bonding then before.  As I shared with him, "I think you may have made it through the storm big guy."  I had one of those bursts of emotion that were both tears and laughter at the same time.  I'd like to think I felt his heart release and soften at a new level.  We will keep on keeping on....but there is more hope.

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