Mar 28, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Learning Freedom

Update posted by elanobrien

Day two - I have come to understand, that in addition to being abandoned in a stall for 1 year Adagio probably had not seen pasture since he was 3 or 4 years old.  It is often the way with horses "highly" trained, that they not be allowed any' turn out' or interaction with others.  Even though horses are herd animals, when humanity feels they have significant "value" to go to an advanced level, they are usually prevented from interacting with other horses or being part of a herd, for fear that a misplaced kick will end the human's investment in their career.  I will make no further comment other than to tell you the joy expressed by Adagio when this morning, he waited for his pasture mate, an Andalusian mare named Altarina, and then trotted out into an expansive field, layed down, and rolled, and best of all, grabbed a mouthful of grass, before he got to his feet.  The luxury of the earth awaited, and he was delighted.  He is learning....or should I say remembering, freedom.

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