Sep 03, 2015 at 07:48 am

Return from first trip

Update posted by Hayley Kemp

It took me ages to write these few paragraphs as words can't describe really. Frances Vigay and I are obviously now back in the UK. More conscious than ever of those we have left behind in the camp. We gave out all the donations. It became apparent that trainers (and sleeping bags & tents) are desperately needed. We didn't count on the police being there threatening to pepper spray inhabitants of the camp. A new restaurant is being built which I'm torn as to whether this is a good thing or not (hints at a permanence). Much needed yes but what is needed more is a safe route for people to claim asylum in countries like the UK who say they give those rights to those seeking sanctuary, so that this camp shouldn't have to exist at all. And these 'restaurants' shouldn't have to be built. But because they do we have return trips planned, including doing voluntary work over there for a week at a time, taking at least two more van loads, (watch out for updates). Because of the situation in the ?jungle? when we got there, with the police and press at the entrance we drove into the centre of the camp and did a direct distribution. We didn?t hand over the donations to charities there as they are struggling with distribution and we didn?t want our stuff to sit in a warehouse for a couple of weeks. At one point we did have to try and close the car boot to get people to get in a queue, which resulted in one man having a sit down protest. I actually loved that he held his own protest and that his spirit had obviously not been dampened yet. The Sudanese guys then helped us distribute (bit rough) but we did get them to form that lovely British queue, if not quite as orderly as us! There was not one thing that went to someone who did not need it and whilst we didn?t even make a dent in what was needed we had to be content knowing that someone who didn?t have shoes that morning had shoes that evening and someone who did not have a sleeping bag/tent on Friday night had one by Saturday night.
I didn?t take too many photos as I?m aware that this could come across as ?poverty porn? and did not want to take photos of people who are, hopefully temporarily, in an undignified state. The feet photo for me sums up how desperate things are. Makes me angry that someone cannot even have a matching pair of flip flops as their only footwear they currently possess. The later photos show what has happened after this weekend?s rain, making an already unbearable situation even more desperate. It is a sobering thought that these are the ?lucky ones?, the ones who have made it this far. The facebook post and letter shows the reaction the guys had when they found personal notes among the washbags, they managed to contact us on facebook!
Please feel free to share this post and encourage people to donate if they can. I am using the cash to purchase food the camp needs once we are there and also any big purchase they identify they need such as a generator.
I can only do what I do because of your support and I am grateful for that. Thank you to all who donated and all those who sent their best wishes for a safe & good trip.
In gratitude, Hayley xx

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