May 29, 2015 at 06:53 pm

New Day - New Life

Update posted by oscar5661 alampi

On May 1st Joe received a bag of life from his sister Mary Jo. it was a most undramatic moment during a very dramatic time. A few days later he ended up in the hospital with fevers but this was not unexpected. A few days later he was back 'home' with me at the place we are renting across from the hospital. Living so close had great benefit as I had to wheet him over at 4 in the morning!

Each day we go over for his blood tests and, when necessary, he gets infusions of blood or platelets. Some days are long with us being there from 10 AM until 7 PM. Lately we've been getting back before 2. He had a scare last week when his potassium was too high and he was admitted to watch his heart. But for now he is feeling ok.

He is on many drugs and each day we examine the mix and see if there is any need to make changes. He has the beginnings of an immune system but not enough to go out. A very heavy mask is necessary when we are not in here or on the ward.

We are cautiously optimistic and continue to pray. We've not nearly collected what we need so any help you can arrange would be truly appreciated.

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