Feb 24, 2015 at 05:56 pm

Surgery needed.

Update posted by DavidRoberts7694

Hi Everyone, just to give you all a bit of insight into why I'm looking into raising money for my surgery is because financially I have a very poor income situation, I'm 20 years old (21 on June the 7th 2015) the main reason I want this surgery is because I was born with congenital hypothyroidism and this basically means that I was born without any thyroid gland at all, this makes my height as I've reached 20 severely under what I should be for my age as I don't have the gland to produce the metabolism that I need for me to grow, I'm just over 5ft I'd say I'm probably in the region of 5'2-5'4, I have spent now just over 2 years trying to save up every little bit of money I've got to find the surgery myself, it's just physically impossible. My current situation: I am 20 years old which astounds everybody that knows me because I wasn't even supposed to be alive right now, it was predicted that not even a day after my mother giving birth to me that I would die, no if, buts, or maybes it was a certainty to all specialists that assessed me when I was born, anyway, I proved them wrong time and time again, I fought, i'm still here.



I'm currently an apprentice for the Ambulace Service working in Patient Transport Services department, I've always had some sort of bad luck in my life, I have two younger sisters, one on life support rhat breathes through a tracheostomy and is ventilated (she's has a machines that physically breaths for her because she cannot physically breath herself. She is three, my other younger sister who is now 5 has autism, severely, I have eve spent my lifetime caring for others, my three year old sister, my 5 year old sister, and before them I used to look after my Nanan who had a stroke in her mid thirties but when I was born she had ages quite tremendously, she was 83 when she passed away with cancer and I must have spent from the age of 13 and upwards caring for my Nanan before my sisters came along, my first sister who is the autistic one at 5 was born in 2009 and I was 15, then we found out she had autism, once again our lives came crashing down on us, and at no point during this description am I trying to insinuate that we're the worst off because I know there's families out there with so much more problems than us, I'm simply just trying to do something for myself for once in my life.


I've spent my lifetime devoting myself trying to make others happy and make their lives better when I'm honestly not even happy with myself. This has been a constant battle with me, if I achieve my goal I can live my life with happiness, I can be truly happy walking this earth and not feeling like everybody is looking down their nose at me, I've always put everyone else before me, and I think now that I'm at a point in my life where I can make decisions for myself now, I have finally decided after a lifetime of being unhappy with who I really am and it getting me down, to go for this and see if I can raise the funds to better my life, my littlest sister is now getting better, thank goodness, she's already spent her first 3 years on this earth going through pain and constantly being told she's not going to make it and she's not going to do anything.


With tracheostomy patients, especially with children they aren't able to walk, talk or eat and my sister does all three, it seems all my mums kids all of us 3 are fighters and we prove doctors, specialists and nurses wrong, constantly, I also do PR work for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice with my little sister. As I've mentioned before I've spent my lifetime devoting myself to others and caring for others, now I just want to be happy with myself, as I mentioned I work for the Ambulance Service before, I'm only an apprentice and I only get £100 per week, this is financially torturous and I would never have the ability to get the funds for the surgery if I was going to do this myself, I'm sorry that I've rambled on for ages, I was just giving a clear, conscious reason as to why I need the surgery so bad, I would be so grateful if you could donate to this fundraiser, thank you so much in advance. and thank you to those that have read all of this, and I'm sorry once again for all the writing.




David x

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