Oct 25, 2014 at 09:26 pm

We Hope The End Is In Site

Update posted by Tina Shake

   Thank you for all the supporters on this site.  It has been amazing the out-pouring of love, prayers and funds to help Stephanie's family get an Indiana lawyer to go through the maze of laws.

   September 3rd, FINALLY Stephanie was able to go to her Father's and Stepmothers home.  She is doing well and safe.  It isn't the end of her terrible experience by a long shot.  First of all.. Stephanie is home through an inter-state pact, she is still a ward of the court.  Her father is technically her Foster Father at this time.  There are many miles that he must still travel for her counseling and getting her ready..

   The state of Illinois is requiring her to face her stepfather in court.  She will not be allowed to testify in the judges chambers.  The reason behind this heart breaking decision is that the state wants to put this man away for 30 years so he can not victimize another girl (this isn't his first time).  There is medical evidense of Stephanies injuries in the attack.. but her stepfather was NOT the only man in the home, so they need her to testify that to specifically what he did (to make it a felony for her specific injuries) and that it was indeed him.  We are devastated for her.  However we are taking the stance of empowerment.  

   Stephanies family is making multiple trips to Illinois to get used to the court room, meet the prosecutor and go through her instructions and interview.  She is also in counseling of course, they are working very hard to get her through this with the least amount of trauma.

   The INDIANA courtcase was delayed as the judge had a family emergency the day of the trial.  The family is awaiting a new court date... we need this full custody in place by the State of Indiana!

   The mother, well she has supervised visitation and has not visited her daughter since April.

   Levi continues to need support.  He and his wife work in a medical factory and have a modest income.  He has been selling personal belongings, canceled cable and conserving money any way he can.

   I don't know how much more they can take.


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