Nov 09, 2013 at 12:37 pm

update lag

Update posted by Sheri Malone

Been busy & haven't updated the page for too long.  

Last week we got the best news since Jim was diagnosed.  His oncologist ordered a colonoscopy because he was afraid that there  might be involvement in that location.  We are happy to report that his colon is cancer free!  That means the involvement is contained to his esophagus & liver.  While that is bad enough it would have been much worse if they'd found a third site!

Jim is bouncing back from his second round of chemo.  He has more energy & feels less crappy than he has in months.  Some of his symptoms are lessening also which Dr.A told us means the chemo is kicking in.  Jim's fever & nightsweats are gone at this point.  That was one of the symptoms that was wearing him out the most. 

Round 3 for the chemo is next Thursday.  Still trying to find a fund that will help out with his co-pays.  Got a letter the other day from a place the social worker suggested as our best shot...they thanked us for applying but regretfully can't assist with Jim's co-pays because he doesn't have a diagnosis that they cover!.  I'm hitting this roadblock over & over again!  Frustration level is high!

But I want to end this update on a good note so I will once again thank all our wonderful friends & family for all the love & support they have shown Jim & me du

ring this very difficult time.  We are grateful you are a part of our lives.


Love & blessings,


Jim & Sheri

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