Sep 04, 2014 at 11:27 am

Increasing the funding goal

Update posted by Laura Engel

Dear Supporters of CJ,

in the name of CJ and his family, I wanted to express my gratitude for your generous donations and the support you have shown. It is overwhelming, that people I hardly know or have not been in touch with for quite some time would donate and support this initiative to create a brighter future for CJ. I feel truly humbled.

Since the initial funding goal has alredy been surpassed, I will increase the fundraising goal and therefore also my project goal, including the other six families who are also earning money from parking cars behind Dunkin Donuts into the livelihood project. This will lessen the potential for conflict ( why does one family get the support and the others don't) and will also increase the likelihood for sustainability, since there will be support and control from the group when starting their little business.

So keep on supporting and change even more lives!

Thank you all so much and I will post more pictures and updates soon!


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