Sep 18, 2012 at 04:59 pm

09/18 Nevermind! Two kitties spayed!

Update posted by TragicKingdom

Great news everyone!


I misunderstood what the vet was telling me over the phone Salem and Moo kitty did in fact get spayed today! What they wanted me to know was that Salem has post-pardem hormones in her uterus which meant she has given birth very recently! So I had to come get her and release her today so she could tend to her babies!


Moo kitty was also picked up but will be kept for a few more hours then released to nurse her older litter.


I will upload scans of the paperwork for proof later, Moo Kitty is curently in the room with the scanner and I don't want the noise to frighten her!


Thanks to everyone who donated! These two cats were also vaccinated for rabies and rehydrated!

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