8 kids, 2 parents, one love

Fundraising campaign by Andreea Bucuroaia
  • €10.00
    raised of €60,000.00 goal goal
0% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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O familie formata din opt copii si doi parinti extraordinari.

Mihaela (mama) are 35 de ani, 6 copii: Mircea (4 ani), Andreea (5 ani), Niculina (7 ani), Alexandru (11 ani), Mela (12 ani), Cristina (14 ani - insarcinata in 4 luni).

Mihai (tatal) are 37 de ani si 3 copii, dintre care doi locuiesc cu ei: Maria (12 ani) si Denisa (13 ani).

Miahela este orfana, crescuta in orfelinat, unde stim toti ce trai a avut. Pe langa faptul ca educatie sexuala zero, educatie in orice fel prea putin. Abuzata de catre un individ (momentan aflat in inchisoare), a fugit cu tot cu copii din localitatea unde traiau. Din cauza abuzatorului, fata cea mare a Mihaelei, Cristina, a fugit de acasa, ajungand in situatia actuala.

Mihai este singurul dintre frati ce nu a fost trimis la scoala, ci cu animalele la stana, abuzat de catre tatal lui (batai, abuz verbal, furat, etc.). Cand intr-un final a reusit sa se ridice, a construit o locuinta pentru el si fetele lui; apoi, dupa 3 zile, un vecin i-a incendiat casa. Au reusit sa scape cu ce erau imbracati. Absolut tot a fost distrus in foc.

Nu este o situatie ideala, dar au reusit sa se aseze intr-o casa semiparasita, de care se ingrijeste un vecin. Acesta le-a oferit posibilitatea de a sta acolo, dar proprietarul inca nu stim cine este (am facut demersurile necesare pentru a afla). Conditiile sunt precare: structura acoperisului este mucegaita, pardoseala este foarte subreda, ferestrele nu au nici o treaba cu izolarea.

Deocamdata locuiesc in 3 incaperi (doua dormitoare si o bucatarie), dar cand fratele lui Mihai se intoarce de la lucru (umbla prin tara), se restrang in doua incaperi. Toaleta evident ca este in curte.

Din punct de vedere al ajutorului, prin intermediul unei comunitati extraordinare, am reusit sa strangem haine, doua paturi, o soba, medicamente, plapumi, perne.Practic sa le oferim un pic de normal, un pic de ragaz.

Sunt oameni muncitori, lucreaza cu ziua, dar din pacate fara carte de munca. Acum incercam sa rezolvam si acest lucru. In zona nu se mai fac anagajari in fabrici, dar ar fi si imposibil pentru ei, avand animale de care trebuie sa se ingrijeasca. M-au uimit cum s-au gospodarit cu animalele: pentru munca depusa, au primit fie un purcelus, fie niste pui de gaina, fie o iapa. Apoi au facut rost de mancare tot asa pentru ele. Sunt niste oameni tare descurcareti.

Nu ei au cerut ajutorul, ci au fost "descoperiti" si ajutati din mers. Apoi situatia a ajuns in acest prag si a fost necesara mobilizarea comunitatii.

Noi suntem o familie din Brasov, ce ne deplasam apropae regulat la ei cu alimente si ce mai reusim sa strangem, le oferim sprijinul si cunostintele noastre. Urmeaza sa ne concentram pe educatia copiilor, sa reluam intreaga materie, de la clasa intai, pentru a fi convinsi ca bazele sunt fixate bine. Asta se va intampla online, cu sprijinul mamei mele si a doua prietene.

Ne dorim mult sa le oferim un trai mai bun. Necesar acum este sa mergem cu ei la medic, pentru un control general macar. Mihaela ar avea nevoie de dentist, urolog (apa doar incalzita pentru spalat, stim ce inseamna in rest), acuza si dureri de spate si are o sinuzita acutizata deja. Pentru Cristina ar fi important un medic ginecolog ce o poate indruma si tine sub observatie, analize. Este atat de important sa aibe oameni ce sa ii explice prin ce trece.Sa constientizeze ce se intampla cu viata ei.

Copiii ar avea nevoie de un control general, atat de necesar. Alimentatia lor nu este cea mai corecta si lipsita de grasimi, prajeli, dar acesta a fost modul de a rezolva o situatie detsul de dificila: multe prajeli (sunt gustoase, la indemana si ieftine).

Din punct de vedere al scolii este necesar un ajutor specializat totusi. In joc este viitorul lor.

Merita intraga actiune, mai ales pentru ca indiferent de situatia in care s-au aflat, si-au dat interesul sa scoata tot ce e mai bun din ea. Tin foarte mult la ducatia copiilor, tocmai de asta se ingrijesc de acest aspect fara drept de apel. Dorinta de munca este, ograda este ingrijita si pusa la punct, incaperile au fost zugravite si aranjate. Ori aceste fapte imi demonstreaza de fiecare data ca nu ar fi meritat sa treaca prin ce au trecut. Mihaela este pasionata de pictat icoane, drept urmare am facut rost de niste sticla, culori si ce mai era necesar, pentru a le picta si scoate la vanzare.

Nu sunt o familie pe care o vom lasa de izbeliste, vom "calatori" de acum incolo alaturi de ei, dar avem nevoie de sprijin financiar. In acest moment ei locuiesc in Fiser. Ne dorim sa le oferim o locuinta a lor, un trai decent si multe zambete.

A family of eight children and two extraordinary parents

Mihaela (the mother) is 35 years old and has 6 children: Mircea (4), Andreea (5), Niculina (7), Alexandru (11), Mela (12), Cristina (14 – 4 months pregnant).

Mihai (the father) is 37 years old and has 3 children, two of which live with them: Maria (12) and Denisa (13).

Mihaela is an orphan, raised in an orphanage, where we all know what kind of life she had. Aside from the total lack of sexual education, education of any kind was sorely lacking. Abused by her former partner (currently in prison), she took the children and ran away from where they lived. Because of her abuser, Mihaela’s eldest, Cristina, ran away from home and ended up in her present situation.

Mihai is the only brother his parents didn’t send to school, but was made to work as a shepherd. He was abused by his father (physical and verbal abuse, theft etc.). When he finally managed to make something of himself, he built a home for himself and his daughters. Three days later, a neighbour set it on fire. They managed to escape with the clothes on their back. Absolutely everything else was destroyed in the fire!

It’s not an ideal situation, but they managed to find a semi-abandoned house, in the care of a neighbour. He has offered them the option to live there, but we don’t know who the actual owner is (we’ve taken the necessary steps to find out). The living conditions are precarious: the structure of the roof is mouldy, the floor is rickety and the windows aren’t properly sealed.

At present, they live in 3 rooms (two bedrooms and a kitchen), but when Mihai’s brother comes back from work, space becomes even more limited. The bathroom is outside.

With the help of an amazing community, we’ve managed to collect clothes, two beds, a stove, medicine, blankets, pillows, trying to offer them some normalcy and respite.

They are hardworking people, unfortunately they don’t have workers’ permits. We are trying to fix that presently. Factories in the area are no longer hiring, and it would be impossible for them, because they have animals to tend to. I was amazed by how well they’ve done in that area, for their work, they received a piglet, chickens, a mare. And that’s how they got food for the animals, too. They are very resourceful people.

They didn’t ask for help, but were “discovered” and helped along the way. Then the situation got to this point and they needed help from the community.

We are a family from Brasov and visit them regularly with food and what we manage to collect through donations. We offer them our support and our knowledge. We’re focused on the children’s education, starting from scratch. This will happen online, with the help of my mother and two friends. But specialised help is still needed. Their future is at stake.

We want to offer them a better life. We have to take them to the doctor, at least for a general check-up. Mihaela needs a dentist and a urologist, she also has back pain and acute sinusitis. Cristina needs a gynaecologist, who can guide her and keep her under observation etc. It’s very important that everyone explains to her what she’s going through, so that she can accept what’s going on with her life.

The children sorely need a general check-up. Their eating habits aren’t the best, with a high intake of fats and fried foods, since this was an easy way to fix a difficult situation: fried foods are tasty, easy to make and cheap.

It is worth it, especially because no matter their situation, they did the best they could to survive. They care about the children’s education. They want to work, they keep their house clean and the rooms are freshly painted and well maintained. Mihaela enjoys painting icons, so we got our hands on some glass and colouring materials, so that she can paint and sell icons.

We’ll never give up on them, from now on we’ll be with them every step of the way, but we need financial support. They currently live in Fiser. We want to give them a home, a decent life and many smiles.


  • Andreea Bucuroaia
  • Campaign Owner


  • Simona Dinu
  • Donated on Mar 18, 2021
  • Multmim Adi&Alina pt tot ceea ce faceti! Sunteti minunați!🥰💛👏🤗


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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Simona Dinu
  • Donated on Mar 18, 2021
  • Multmim Adi&Alina pt tot ceea ce faceti! Sunteti minunați!🥰💛👏🤗



Simona Dinu
Radu Ioana
raised of €60,000.00 goal
0% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities