Dec 29, 2015 at 11:20 pm

New bylaw restricting access to camps in Dunkirk

Update posted by Alex Manessi

The authorities in Dunkirk have passed a by-law banning all building materials, tents, sleeping bags and blankets from entering the camps, currently resident to 2,500 men, women and children.

Only clothes and food is allowed in, and this has to be walked in, vehicles are no longer allowed access.

This is designed to reduce the living conditions inside the camp to such a level the migrants disperse. It's sickening in the middle of winter that police are searching people entering the camps and confiscating the blankets and sleeping bags that will keep their children warm at night.

I am in touch with volunteers on the ground, some have been sneaking things in through the forrest during the night, but this is not ideal. I haven't figured out exactly how the next trip will work given we have collected just items that are specifically banned, but we will find a way to make it work.

As always, if you would like to make a physical donation DM me your address and if possible I will collect, or if not, I am based in East London.

Alternatively your cash donations on this page are also very much appreciated.

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